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What is the NHS?

The National Honor Society is one of the oldest and most prestigious honor societies in the United States for high school students. It was founded in 1921 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) to recognize outstanding high school students who demonstrate excellence in the four pillars of the NHS. Membership in the NHS is a significant achievement and is highly regarded by colleges and universities.

What are the four pillars of the NHS?

The NHS is built upon the four pillars of Character, Scholarship, Leadership, and Service. The NHS seeks to encourage and nurture each of these qualities in every one of its members.

What requirements are needed to apply for the NHS?

To be eligible for membership in the National Honor Society (NHS), you should have a GPA of 3.85 or above, and have at least 10 hours of service hours to show for every year you have been in High School, all of which should be presented on your application form. If you are eligible to join the NHS, you should receive an email saying so.

What does membership in our chapter of the NHS entail?

Being a member of the NHS requires that you attend the monthly mandatory meetings (if not live, by watching the recording). Three absences counts for a potential removal from the chapter. Members also commit to completing an Individual Service Project amounting to 10 hours or more, as well as partaking in a Group Service Project run by second-year NHS members. Additionally, the NHS also gives the opportunity to be part of a wonderful and joyous community of students who help each other out in various aspects, allowing the members to grow closer to God together.

What is an ISP?

An ISP is an Individual Service Project that should add up to at least 10 hours which should benefit your immediate/local community in any way. It is a requirement for membership in the NHS.

What is a GSP?

A GSP is a Group Service Project that you partake in with fellow NHS members that contributes to and benefits the MODG community at large. It is a requirement for membership in the NHS.

What are the responsibilities of the officers?

There are three officers: President, Vice President, and Secretary. These officers run the monthly general meetings, coordinate GSP leaders, address questions, organize socials, complete other logistical jobs, work with the Chapter Advisor, and ensure that everything in the NHS runs smoothly.

How much time is required to be a member of the NHS?

In addition to the mandatory monthly meetings and the ISP hours (over 10 hours), the time commitment necessary in being part of the NHS is really up to the GSP you choose to be a part of. Some GSPs require more time and effort than others, but it should not be too overwhelming.

What are some benefits of being a member of the NHS?

Other than being part of a wonderful, fun, and loving community, learning to work with peers, and creating life-long friendships, an additional benefit of being an NHS member is the opportunity to apply for an NHS college scholarship.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?

If you would like more information regarding the NHS and what it entails, or have any further questions, please contact the chapter through our contact page or by email at